Rule Clips
Application of Quarters- Admonitory!
Copy of the Pay Slip and appointment letter or memorandum regarding grade pay have to be attached compulsorily with the application for quarters. Without requisite documents the application will not be entertained and treated as cancelled. Incomplete and unfilled application will not be taken in consideration.
Rules of priority for type of quarters (Rule 6.2 of QAR 1989)
The date of regular appointment in Railway Service/Promotion shall determine the priority for the entitled type of house, the concerned staff is eligible on the date of appointment/promotion provided that the staff applies for a quarter to which he/she is entitled.
Rules of mutual exchange of quarters (Rule 6.6 of QAR 1989)
Mutual exchange of Qrs. will be agreed only under the following conditions.
The type of Qrs. involved is the same and in the same area.
Both the employees are not under orders of transfer or have not applied for transfer or on the verge of retirement within the next 3 years.
One does not propose to vacate or seek permission to vacate after effecting mutual transfer of his/her Qrs.
One is not in the waiting list for change over to a higher type of Qrs.
Mutual exchange will be allowed only once.
Allotment of Type-II quarters to Railway employee in Grade Pay Rs. 1800 (Note C to Rule 2 of Master Circular Aug 2019)
Allotment of type-II Quarters to Railway employees in Grade Pay 1800 Type-II quarters may be allotted to employees in Grade Pay of Rs. 1800 in case at any location, type-II quarters are vacant and no one entitled for it is in waiting list subject to the condition that the license fee shall be liable to be recovered would be of type-II quarters and not as per the entitlement for the employees in the Grade pay of Rs. 1800.